Should you ever illustrate for free? These are extraordinary times, but there are some things that don’t change. We need to look after ourselves, we need to work, and we need to be paid. See our advice here

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🤘 Illustration rocks! 🤘
We want to make it rock even more, by securing better terms for Illustrators through our campaigning work and
Our members help us to achieve this, and many more things. See what else we offer here:

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Really happy to be working with again, and thanks for pricing it right!
(logo artwork by Nishant Choksi)

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Participa na enquisa! Son só 7 preguntas, a través das cales poderemos valorar como axudará esta campaña a mellorar o noso sector.
Moitas grazas! 👍



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La comparte recursos e info súper interesante sobre cómo presupuestar ilustración correctamente, como parte de su campaña

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Tips on getting paid fairly as a freelance illustrator - The Association of Illustrators recently launched its campaign, to encourage creatives to demand the right fees.

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Have you seen campaign? What's your thoughts? What resources have you used for pricing your illustration?

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Price it Right supports illustrators and commissioners in confident pricing and negotiation. More valuable campaigning by

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