Hello dear Papula, Thank you so much for the support thread my friend.
Also happy new year and wish you the best 🌿❤️
I also shared my pieces & Edition in this fab thread ✨

🔹[ Scattered Sky of your Eyes ]
🔹[ 4 / 10 Available - 0.09 Ξ ]

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Bukan first art sih tapi ini work yg ke simpen paling lama wkwkwkkw wip pula, soon lah yg wip ini jadi webtoon beneran

2021 vs 2022

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Name: Emperador inmortal Luo Wuji

Historia q me recordó "Yo soy han sanqian"
fue traicionado por su discípula, reencarna, tiene novia q lo engaña con otro, ahora consigue una nueva discípula casualmente parecida a la q lo traicionó, todo mal pero esto mejora poco a poco 😎

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Hai guys, aku mabok tugas, mana baru mulai pula, masih lama liburannya, nikmatin aja(?) kali ya WKWKWKKWK

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Kutipan hari ini :

"Orang yang menyenangkan akan selalu mendapat hadiah yang menyenangkan, walaupun sederhana. Lagipula, bahagia itu sederhana, bukan?"

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Berdasarkan situasi di media sosial saat ini, maka Ruki Yahea V-Doctor akan melakukan detoks sosmed parsial selama beberapa waktu hingga keadaan mereda

Selama jangka waktu itu pula, Twitter hanya difungsikan untuk post jadwal stream dan diskusi kolaborasi


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Hi Papula,🙌🏼I think you will like my works, I would be very happy if you could take a look at them:)

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What ghoulish creation should I make this Halloween! 🎃

Could it be the vampire moth, Count Lampula, who likes Bloody Mary’s and hates getting caught out in the rain?

Vote below :D

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Thanks Sam 🥺💛
And Papula, you should definitely check Sam’s work too, he is amazing ❤️

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enak-enak scroll hashtag malah isinya spam

mana pake hashtagnya ngawur pula, dari mananya ini komik lokal hah?? ada yg pake tag komik islami segala wkwkwk

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gm gm papula, i just finish this hihi ✌️

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Cowo ku ada tiga, rupa-rupa jenisnya

2 orang 2D
1 orang yang nyata

Hue hue seneng banget sama hasilnya tante . Dapet bonus lineart pula,doi tau aku suka mewarnai tapi males gambar WKWKWKWK.

Arigatcuu sudah mewujudkan mimpiku punya harem walau mustahil

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The Elvrem keep to themselves ever since their banishment from Remopula.

For the past century they have been the largest supplier of food for Remopula, which is ironic considering their standing within the city.

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Si masnya, udh bulol, malu2 anjing, denial pula, nyusahin authornya bgt https://t.co/aa0ffUi4aK

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Have yet to exactly know what to do with him but I have included him in a world for potential stories. His name's Vapula, the so-called "Hound of the Order of the Crosses" (lore-stuff that would be hard to explain because of twitter length).

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Kalo pas awal pindahan sama aja, ga ada bedanya alias skillku dulu ya segitu2 aja, tresing pula, kalo dibandinginnya dulu sama sekarang udah berubah banget 😂

Pic 1 ibis, pic 2 procreate

Pic 3 4 recent art

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Kayaking through a cave in Pula, Croatia💦💛🖤🤍

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digiart pertama ku keknya bukan Karma Nagisa dah 🤣🤣, tapi yahh awal" kek gitulah bentukannya, mana posenya masih nyontek pula,ntah dari manga/fanart orang :")) https://t.co/6alyHYczEW

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This illustration shows a color-coded skeleton and surface anatomy of the bust with the bony landmarks in a corresponding color code. These include the sternum, clavicle, acromion of the scapula, and hyoid bone. And also the 1st and the 2nd pair of ribs.

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7. Malahan, Ken menjadi ilustrator yang dilibatkan di dalam cover “The Vampire” milik Hana Macchia! Tak hanya itu pula, ilustrasinya difitur dalam NIJISANJI × pixiv collection 4.

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