Tag 5friends and list your top4 RE games:
Fav game ever
Amazing lore/acting
Superb atmosphere

Sp mentions:#RE3R/#RECV

Grazie for tag; https://t.co/FKjayUCMsS

2 30

Schizzi di e per

Gli artisti volevano aggiungere un equipaggiamento più dettagliato nelle divise STARS dell'originale
Alla fine,entrambi hanno oggetti aggiuntivi ma non così numerosi come mostrano le bozze

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and sketch of

We can notice artists wanted to add more gear on their OG STARS uniforms.
Both Jill and Chris actually have for but don't so much as discarded sketches show

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Despite both and worked for STARS(even if Rebecca was a member for just 2 weeks) they have a only single dialogue in Mansion Incident scenary 3,not even in OG or

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Chris was supposed to wear the knife on his chest for RE6 BSAA outfit like he used to do for STARS times

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Just want to say Thank you guys for the love and support ! WE hit out 150 follower goal! So this coming week we will be doing a RE OG Trilogy stream (RE 1 , RE 2 Claire A and Leon B,Re3 #

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Here's my first gameplay part of as Jill.
Nothing of special but I love this game so here's my gameplay serie :D
I'd like playing original version but I can't record from Wii


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For around 2014,there was an event on official RE website to "infect Raccoon City" by fans due unlock BSAA outfits for Chris and Jill.
That's how we got these costumes

In they aren't available

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In Jill and Chris have as unlockable costumes,the ones they wore in and
They can be available beating the game twice as respective character on the same save slot

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Jill's Battlesuit from RE5 when she's brainwashed,it was taken by a discarded concept art from extra outfit in that supposed to be for her

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