RIP Stan Lee
Thank you for what you gave the world, you will be missed..

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마블의 아버지 회장님을 기리며.. 인생에 너무나 큰 즐거움과 꿈을 주신 분이셨기에 오늘의 뉴스는 너무나 충격이었습니다. 덕분에 이렇게 멋진 캐릭터들을 그릴 수 있게 해 주셔서 너무나 감사했습니다. 편히 쉬시길.. RIPStanTheMan

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Managed to not destroy my tablet with my tears while doing this. It resulted in a drawing that I’m genuinely proud of. Rest in Peace, you living legend.

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The only advice anybody can give is, if you wanna be a writer, keep writing. And read all you can, read everything -

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To the man who brought so many wonderful characters.

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