It’s Election Day & I’m scared AF. Feel nauseous & exhausted. Please vote blue. Together we can find a way.

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Hello, more "foretatse" of from Vero Cazot and me - the book is to be published this Sept in US. You can preorder your copy now.
Retailers: FOC is 08/09/22!

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Today's 'toon: A little light projection.

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I was so sad that I missed out on the initial "Chicks for Change" auction benefitting Planned Parenthood in the wake of the decision. However, was finally able to add one of these to my collection and show my support💜#web3women

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Today's 'toon: "And a great-grammaw at 30!"

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Undermining👉 women’s rights
Was "Amy Coney Barrett" s intention

She committed perjury
after a mention

Said it was settled law ….but that was her 👉lie

After confirmation … kissed reproductive freedom good-bye

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CW: sexual assault

To all my American friends, I know its hard right now, but please never forget - if someone tries to dictate what you can do with your reproductive systems - that's. 👏sexual.👏 assault.👏

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My latest 'toon: "How to get an abortion in Texas".

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My uterus is a high risk of rupture.. let’s say FL becomes a no exception state for abortions. I go in for a ruptured uterus, the doctors try to save me but can’t, they try to save the fetus but they can’t. Now we’re both dead bc republicans want to own the libs.

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A 'round up' of my from the last few days in response to getting his amps seized, &

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American women need to band together to claim back our autonomy. There is strength in numbers. We need a National walk off the job day.
Enough is enough.
is just the beginning of what is ahead otherwise.

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If I won't be treated like a human, then I'll become a beast.

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Guard the Selves

In light of recent and unfortunate events, I would like to give some encouragement to those who are currently frustrated and fighting to keep their bodily autonomy. Please take care.

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