Joyeux vendredi et tous les amis. Belle peinture.

Sir James Jebusa Shannon🎨
Peintre américain 1862- 1823
Violette duchesse de Rotland
Fille assise sur une chaise
Florence et Kitty.

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I'd have to say as there were so many interesting locations, sets, set pieces & iconic performances. I maybe would have said but it was a miserable on the water shoot or I don't know if I would have enjoyed endless takes. Art by

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Something tells me we won't be celebratong the 40th anniversary of Raiders of the Lost Shark

3 18

Dietrich: Get the Ark away from here. Put it on the truck. We will fly out of Cairo. And Gobler, I want plenty of protection.
Belloq: Jones...

4 33

Indy: Take this. Wave it at anything that slithers.
Marion: This whole place is slithering!

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Crosis and Atlas(Crotlas??)💕💕💕💕💕from Hye’s fic!!! Yes, laborg. Just read. And find your favorite xbs.

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Two of the baddest dinos ready to fight

for two of my friends’ maplestory characters (swipe to see references)

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Jr. K. Cake's Carrotland. Sweetie16 palette. 80x80

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By Terry Leonard (2/2)

"... you trust and respect and have confidence in. There isn't a time when they are not there when you need them."

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“The Tunisian fire department’s hoses not only pulled apart at the joints, the hose caught on fire and the fire department had to put out their own hose. It was like a slapstick comedy, with the fire department falling down, and the hoses breaking... "

Frank Marshall

10 40

Card for the Day: Ace of Swords reversed - It may be difficult to get your point across today. Don't try to force it.

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After the sinking of the Coronado, Indy manages to bring the cross to Brody and the Barnett College. The school is Rickmansworth Masonic School, Chorleywood Road just a couple of minutes north of Rickmansworth Station. The school previously supplied interiors for RotLA.

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I always loved Karen Allen in this outfit. It was filmed at San Francisco City Hall. the seat of government for the City and County of San Francisco. The structure's dome is taller than that of the United States Capitol by 42 feet. A huge ending for a lovely beginning.

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Although the Star Wars producer Gary Kurtz did not have a direct relation with Raiders, but a close friendship with almost all the cast and crew in Tunisia an London, he did not want to miss the creative process of his colleagues., always with his camera on.

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We must conclude that Indy and Marion had too much free time while filming the opening of the ark at Elstree Studios. Tied to a post, they could only admire the work of the FX pros in the stage. Spielberg was in charge of giving them conversation and keeping them up.

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Chris Walas made a wonderful work here. Characters' heads were constructed with gelatin skins over plastic skulls. Belloq's head (Paul freeman) was filled with blood bags and rigged with small detonations, with pyrotechnic effects added via optical animation.

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