Sad Ruixa, happy Ruixa, Crying Ruixa, angry Ruixa... Which Ruixa represents you the most? Comment bellow!

🔹¿Qué Ruixa te representa más? ¡Coméntanos!
🔸Que Ruixa che representa máis? Coméntanos!

10 11

We just wanted to leave this over here.
Solo queríamos dejar esto por aquí.
Só queríamos deixar isto por aquí.

10 20

We are all here! Together we make the team.

And you, in which department would you like to work? Vote in the poll below 👇🏼

8 12

Peter and Deus are the members of the design department. They decide the amount of rain that falls on Opa. You better get along with them...

9 12

And here you have the masters of programming! Fabián and Alberto make sure that Unreal doesn't drown in the rain. Some days cost more than others...

7 21

Today is known as the saddest day of the year…. And you, how are you feeling today?

Are you a sad Rai or a happy Rai?

👇🏼Vote in our poll bellow!

7 12

To this day, the only remains of the colossi are the buildings they built before the human siege, which are now in ruins.

One of them is the Temple of the Great Colossus, which you'll visit on your adventure with Rai.

3 9

Whatever happens in 2021... think that we'll finish the Rai demo.

Pase lo que pase este 2021... pensad que finalizaremos la demo de Rai. ¡#FelizAñoNuevo!

Pase o que pase este 2021... pensade que finalizaremos a demo de Rai.

5 10

Rai is the main protagonist of the video game. She belongs to the Alfarbores's tribe, being one of the youngest. She's adventurous and dreamy.

But here's the thing: she's the one. She'll save them all from the rain.

3 9

Ruixa is a tiny mushroom that lives in the Colossus's Forest. She's very friendly and outgoing. She'll be your best friend in the adventure and will help you when you need it.

You'll love meeting her!

7 17

Did you know the Pookas? Here you have some early concepts of them. They're the most mocking and restless beings in Opa. And you know what else? They're shapeshifters. Get ready to face them!

11 22