# workonpaper artonpaper artinchelsea contemporaryart contemporaryartgallery architecturalinteriors chelseaartgallery newyorkartscene femaleartist acrylic painting wallart texturedpainting texture textileart acrylicart howtopaint artwork artwithannelie acrylicpainting paintingwithacrylics red paintinginred fantasyart fantasypainting monsters creatures portraitpainting parallelpainting paintingseries seriespainting processpainting paintingonpaper angelart wings renderedpainting artisticnude softgirl emotionalart largepainting forboyfriend nft nftartist digitalpainting eth japaneseart cryptoart nftart nftartists nftartwork blockchain artcanhour artcanorg artcanartist lauraparker_uk richmondartsociety colorfulartwork kitten rescuekitten rescuekitty cat rescuecat adoptdontshop welshartist welshart chagall postmodernart modernart oilpainting oiloncanvas contemporarycymru ritualmask experimentalart expressiveportrait sketchbookart sketchbookcollage maskportrait rawart primitiveart outsiderart catmask paintingcollage layeredpainting watercolourpencilart gouachepainting figurativepainting mynewtag canvas moon artseries art moonart black abstractart originalpainting artforsale artavailable artist visualartist acryliconcanvas myart birthdaygift tactileart oilonwood oil nature flowerpainting newwork contemporarypainting hermionecarline flowers newpainting oilpaintings crows ravens birdpainting birdart murderofcrows birdsandtrees landscapeart allanstorer allanstorerart abstract abstractpainting original originalart vibrant colour macro macroshot gallery artgallery dramatic texturedart

elephant animal art multi panel LARGE WALL ART triptych 3 canvas original painting tree of life textured abstract cute https://t.co/6PCCG5ozam

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"Akane" A Kakejiku (hanging scroll) format digital painting from early 2020. Shall I drop this as a 1/1 edition NFT?

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I've been working on a series of 6 'Red paintings'. Four of them are finished - here's 2.
They've not got any titles yet - I've got to get my thinking cap on for that soon!

Acrylic on board, 10"x10"

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‘Radiance in Red’: Stepping away from this painting. I feel like I have said everything that needs to be said... ©️Stark 2020

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extra large wall art tree of life painting abstract impasto textured painting pallete knife 48 x 20" https://t.co/IUOtTdMOOx

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New painting 100 x100cm completed oil on wood. Need to give it a title now! Something to do with ‘Fragility’ ...#nature

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"Morgana's Murder" is one of my best selling painting repro pints! Ans so happy a good friend is the owner of the original artwork! Prints available!

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