Tsopik Rex, whom I drew under the slogan "my tastes are specific, you won't understand"
The creation was based on the ethnic origin of Rex, that is why he is a small animal from Mexico– Nasua

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Unexpectedly , a couple of beautiful ladies
I was inspired to draw again by the "Rex Generator" after watching it again

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From Min-Gi Park to Rex Salazar. I loved my edit.

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Rex had a little too much mulled wine. Rex and Noah are depicted here as adults💦

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Fanart do Rex Salazar, mais conhecido como Mutante Rex!
Um desenho da Cartoon Network q infelizmente não fez tanto sucesso, mas q é mto bom e recomendo todos verem!

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Cartoon Network Action Packed Issue

Featuring Generation Rex

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Quick Sketch! -Jungle cat & Rex!-
Boceto rápido que acabo de hacer!
Jungle cat es de mis personajes favoritos de la serie :D

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Bocetito sin contexto
Volví a ver Generador Rex y mientras la veía hice este boceto rápido de Rex y Noah

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🔩Rҽx Sαʅαȥαɾ⚙️

[Since i gave Ben a casual re-design, I should do one for Rex too, so have the boi-👀]

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Ah this boy is in the fight for his life!

(The first one did was so good I had to make more of my boy Rex! He's a really good model for poses)

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