DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.88 ETH by 0x539ea5 from RichieRich_432

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DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 1.10 ETH by 0xc22055 from RichieRich_432

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today: Droopy and Spike apply for the same job with the circus; Spidey goes to the center of the earth, but no Mole Man; a kid's idea of affluence; Spyke and Quicksilver have a rivalry on the court.

5 17

Ricky Ricón cumple 68 años. El pobre niño rico apareció un día como hoy en la historieta Little Dot
Un cortesía de Beto Calvo .

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/ 40 days / 40 favorite comics characters
22-23/40 -

Couple 'lil gigs came up, so halted this a while!
Wrapping the 'kid characters' thread with the characters-- I read 'em a lot on my childhood.

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💵 Richie Rich

インスタからの✍お絵描きアーカイブ、トランプ米大統領もかなわない💦世界一の大富豪の御曹司 くんで~す❗🤑💰

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