After joining the yesterday and met the community, such a warm welcome from everyone I had to buy this rocket man glasses homie for the trip! Don't sleep or you'll miss the 🚀📈

34 120

Now own 2 ! I will be hosting a space this Wednesday and would love for you all to come on :). Is a thing?

47 135

cant help getting one rider with special offhand 😳

is a thing?

16 61

Thanks for taking my bids welcome home sexy gold mami. Now my Plat has some company😍😍

55 152

Just scored this top 10% frost eyes! LOVE IT!! 😍 New PFP incoming!!

So beautiful! 😍

12 43

Had an extremely hard time deciding which to get because they all look so dope! Made my choice and here he finally is!

19 72

Bought my waifu Where are my riders at🚄!!!!???

24 100

Riders new and old. Mind checking in?
Let's see how many new friends we've made today!

24 85

Wow, the never ceases to amaze me. Special thank you to for this clean and dope banner and phone wallpaper.

A loud for you, fam! 🚅💨

Go follow the guy and retweet this to help him with exposure! 💜

12 35

Got a pair of ❤️ PFPs for me and my girl! ☺️ thanks for the quality art Anero team !! 💯


46 122

Picked up a few solely because the art looks dope.

29 76