Just scored this top 10% frost eyes! LOVE IT!! 😍 New PFP incoming!!

So beautiful! 😍

12 43

is the best Anime/Manga styled collection out there prove me Im wrong

2 14

GM fam from my beauty ☀️🍀

GG for your amazing skills ✍️

9 23

I bought another one!
Why? easy... they're fucking beautiful

13 38

Scooped one of the Quacks! 🦆 We are now riding!!!

13 43

The art was worth the wait, who said anime art was out? The Anero train has taken off, who will be joining the ride on the next stop? https://t.co/jV8uRVemVL

5 35

Decided to join the gang! Got my map to downtown, I'm on my way! The art is truly magnificent. If Azuki can get to 11E then I have no clue how Anero doesn't 🤷‍♂️ let's see where this train takes us! 🚄🏙️

16 48

This is part of my crew of Of course I have a new pfp now. You guys kill it with this amazing art, I want it all!😍#Aneroversenft

15 37

Bought my waifu Where are my riders at🚄!!!!???

24 100

Gosh look at those QUACKERS thinking they're all that.. Wheres more Skateboard gang at?!

25 111