1643 Battle of Rocroi, part of the Thirty Years' War & important moment in 17th century European ends with a French victory against the Spanish, which was a also a notable defeat for what was deemed as an infallible Spanish Tercio military system.

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"Le 19 mai 1643, le duc d'Enghien anéantit à dans les Ardennes, les redoutables « tercios » de l'infanterie espagnole. En souvenir de sa victoire, on le surnommera le « Grand Condé » après qu'il aura hérité du titre de duc de Condé sous le nom de Louis II.."

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1643 At The Battle of Rocroi, forces defeat army led by General Francisco de Melo, an important moment of the This result also forced the to abandon their previously successful tercio system.

by François J. Heim

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The Battle of Rocroi, May 19, 1643, by François Joseph Heim

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