You know Angie 👉👈

Or Hannah! My fan child of Angie and Romani... You can draw her grown up! 👀?

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the strangest thing about this man is his height. hes divorced. he entered the tournament to defeat justice because he wanted to make sure he could pay for his daughter's college. he has back problems. hes rromani. he makes really good burgers. dude is just living life

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"...Uh? want to?...But...This...What is this practice for?...Romani...can't remember..."

6 13

In 2010 a comic called streets of Gotham, Features a character use a slur towards Zatanna that comes from a romani background, this word is often used in a derogatory way against powerful women. This does not make Zatanna Romani.

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Drunken Romani.
7.8/10 - Too much Milk.

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He wouldn’t have become Doom if he weren’t Romani. His parents would be alive, the accident would’ve never happened. That’s the kind of white privilege that Victor does not have. And this is why his heritage CANNOT be erased (Marc Spector Moon Knight

4 24

People can like MCU Wanda it's not like I can stop them, but I need ya'll to realize the MCU whitewashed her. In the main universe of Marvel, 616, Wanda Maximoff is Romani.

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Young on traditional clothes from her culture
She had a such genuinely happy smile at that time🥺

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My first card from Fate/Grand Order Arcade has been shipped.
Me: happy happy happy happy!
I can't wait. Romani...

6 43

I don't think this point is as clever as you think it is. The *written text* very clearly states he is Romani. And you can't say "oh well that was added later" because that backstory has been there since the 60's in Fantastic Four Annual

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"If the Time of Parting has come...if those days are no it...really bad to cling to the past...? Mash...Da Vinci...Romani...i'm sorry...But i will cling to the past. Even if i must lie to keep it all real."

💥Account of Ritsuka- no...Goetia, the Pretender Servant.

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Mosaico. Proveniente da Cartagine. II sec. d.C. Schiavi romani. Museo del Louvre, Parigi

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Outro grande personagem das Olimpíadas: Darlan Romani. 😄

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I’m so thankful to those who enjoyed my calli art, I hope there isn’t an expectation for me to do hololive art only :) ofc I’ll keep at it hehe. This is Romani.

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Mentre gli ambasciatori parlavano i tarantini ridevano. Tutta colpa del greco approssimativo usato dai romani. Non avendo ottenuta risposte tornarono a Roma raccontando di essere stati dileggiati.
Il Senato prese la decisione di dichiarare guerra a Taranto. Una scusa.

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I'm sorry because I'm posting a lot my OCs lately, but I'm trying to do all the entire designs of Megami no Seigi, my own OC story. Here is Etsuko and Romani, the main characters. Romani is a goddess, while Etsuko is a human who can transform herself in Romani.

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﹥Chaldea ﹤

“Say cheese!” Isabella suddenly shouts at Romani. A loud click fills the air, followed by a brief flash of light. “Hehe, looks like I caught the doctor in his natural habitat.” She flashes her teeth while laughing to herself. One of her fingers rises near her left-

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wanda is brown and romani. it's canon but both the comics and the mcu like to whitewash her constantly. just saying

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Ava in the snow. Her original design was from a historical game in which she was conservative Russian Romani. This meant she always covered her head in a scarf of sorts. I kept it when she moved to a fictional world.

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Operazioni chirurgiche al tempo dei romani. Enea consola il piccolo figlio Ascanio mentre il medico gli estrae la freccia dalla coscia. In soccorso arriva anche la madre Afrodite, con un mazzo di erbe medicinali

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