'Pompeii archaeologists discover pizza painting'?

Of course, this is no big deal to us ...


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Lesbia parla sempre male di me, e neppure smette di parlar
di me: mi venga un colpo se Lesbia non mi ama.
Come lo so? Perché sono simile lei: la ricopro ogni giorno
d’insulti, ma mi venga un colpo se non l’amo.


Casa de Marte e Venere. Pompeii

10 30

La composizione raffigura Efesto che forgia insieme ai suoi aiutanti l'armatura che Teti donerà a suo figlio Achille per vendicare la morte di Patroclo. Di particolare interesse il riflesso sullo scudo di Teti retto da Efesto e un aiutante.

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Nike • Winged Victory 🌿
My take on a fresco from Pompeii. I loved working on this in the last weeks - I am quite busy with uni work (I had a nice but quite demanding Aristotle seminar & I'm writing my Plato paper atm) but I steadily continued drawing :) /1

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Shrine with the household gods (lares) pouring libations and making offerings in the House of the Vettii,
The snake represents the genius (spirit) of the household/individual/place and provides protection.
This room has just opened to the public

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Don't miss "Roman Landscapes: Visions of Nature and Myth from Rome and Pompeii" at opening on Feb. 24!

This exhibition explores landscape scenes as a striking new genre of ancient Roman art.

Get Tickets:
See you at SAMA!

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series “New Pompei Masters” | oil and charcoal on canvas | 89x116cm | 2020

The "FLOWER POWER OF MONACO" Exhibition in LA Vitrine Contemporaine is still on view in Palais de La Scala. So I will post couple more of my flower series here

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Border control.
Sometimes all the action is happening in the border framing the main fresco panels. Where else would you find cupids racing chariots pulled by goats?
From the house of the Painters at Work,

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Little Bruno went to a trip to Pompeii on his day off, he's not great at reading a map so he asks for help from a stranger who seems to know their way around 👀
day 8: travel

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Dedicated a song to each of the Starless Clan Trio.

Nightheart: World’s Smallest Violin by AJR
Sunbeam: No Lover by Jetty Bones
Frostpaw: Above the Clouds of Pompeii by Bear’s Den

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- Fresco from Pompeii depicting Phrixus & Helle fleeing their hate-filled stepmother on the golden-fleeced ram sent. Helle fell off the ram into the sea and either died or was rescued by Poseidon and turned into a sea goddess. The sea was named Hellespont after her.

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Gm ☀️ it’s a good day to run from a volcanic eruption, don’t end up like the people from Pompeii.

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At Pompeii by Gustave Boulanger, 19th c.

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Watercolour and ink on Saunders Waterford paper
28 x 38 CM / 15” x 11”

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- One of my favourite panels from Pompeii: the rather splendid fresco from the House of Jason (IX.5.18), showing the myth of Europa and the Bull. Those colours!

Image: National Archaeological Museum, Naples (111475). Link - https://t.co/d7s3NqWrKD

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