Unlike the Human's faith on the Divine, Elves worship Mother Nature. If the world is populated by Nature Worshippers, you may encounter Nature Spirits on Retaliations.

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Alongside the new monsters, Agitate is getting reworked. It will now affect each monster type differently - causing some to abduct, and others to lay traps, for example.

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The Lich archetype now has access to the Spawn Necronomicon spell which allows them to produce Necromancers in any world.

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Take a look at our third set of new demonic structure assets coming out on the next update.

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🦂These giant scorpions often burrow under sand during daytime.

Anyone who makes the mistake of getting near these hidden arachnids will be snatched and eaten underground.💀

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You can have a Biolab without adding the Plague affliction to your loadout. The Biolab produces Rats that you can then use as an alternative means of spreading the plague!

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Overlords, our next major update is focused on the new Plague-related Biolab structure and these Plague-infested critters will be coming along!

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When developing games, sometimes ideas don't quite work out and awesome art gets stripped out. Here's one asset we sadly lost early on when we decided to drop a previously planned turn based combat system for Ruinarch.

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Hello Overlords, our marketing lords are hard at work designing new marketing images to lure players to our game. Which one do you think will attract more souls?

1) Ruinarch Portal

2) Ruinarch Archetypes

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Ruinarch's procedurally generated world aren't all monsters and demons. We also spawn pigs, chickens and sheep... sometimes. Wishlist us now if you want more pigs in your life!


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Some of the trees in Ruinarch's procedurally generated worlds are "more alive" than others.

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Kobolds are typically associated with fire, but in Kobolds are reptilian monsters that carry bows and shoot icy arrows.

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What do you think about these female elf portraits?

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Which of these demonic minions (art by the inimitable ) do you think deserves their own horror movie franchise?

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Which of these demonic minions do you think looks the coolest/works best on the cover of a heavy metal band? Shoutout to for these rad illustrations!

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This month we added a ton of new portraits and character sprites. The new Blueprint and Migration features allow settlements to expand, and players also now have to contend with multiple factions. What do you guys think?


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Made some minor tweaks to our demon portraits. Do you evil overlords prefer 1 or 2?

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