//=time() ?>
It appears every bank victim's complaint is deemed INELiGiBiLE?
@CarshaltonArt @BankersThorn
New media law in Poland. Cartoon by Marian Kamensky: https://t.co/wVLmh3l2tz
#freedomofspeech #Poland #pressfreedom #ruleoflaw #democracy
Our Sunday cartoons for @City_Press and @Rapport (translation: EVENTUALLY!) on last week’s momentous #ZumaArrest. #JacobZumaArrest #RuleOfLaw @PresJGZuma #YearOfTheOrangeOveralls #ContemptOfCourt @JGZ_Foundation @Magashule_Ace @niehaus_carl #SouthAfrica
Hot pursuit... @TheBuffaloNews #Trump #ruleoflaw https://t.co/2HZhNsbN0Z
#GoodMorning #FellowEarthlings #StaySafe #WearAMask #StayHealthy BeKind #LoveOneAnother #NoHate #Accountability #Truth #Justice #RuleOfLaw #CapitolRiot #VoterSuppression #CleanAirWater #AffordableHousing #HealthCare4All
All art is but imitation of nature.Lucius Annaeus Seneca~
@AP #XiangGang today. We all live in jail losing all the freedom of assembly, protest, speech. #RuleOfLawIsDead
@Reuters #HumanRights and #RuleOfLaw don’t exist in #China under #CCP regime. Hong Kong is becoming like that. #StandWithHongKong #save12hkyouths
@statedeptspox #HumanRights and #RuleOfLaw don’t exist in #China under #CCP regime. Hong Kong is becoming like that. #StandWithHongKong #save12hkyouths
Peter Dutton says 'left-wing lunatics' must be dealt with as well as far-right extremists
How about we start with these extreme religious bigots and far right extremists, who are undermining Australia’s #RuleOfLaw and #Freedom one bill at a time ...
@STcom It's time to boycott such corrupted, fraudulent LegCo which has served as a puppet of the #CCP for many years. Let the world see how Beijing corrodes the last bit of the already limited democracy in Hong Kong
The art of being happy
lies in the power
of extracting happiness
from common things.
#SusanGarrenArt🎨 #FellowArtists #FellowEarthlings #StaySafe #WearAMask😷 #Vote #Truth #MoralAuthority #Justice #RuleOfLaw @JoeBiden #JoeBidenForPresident2020
- Denies existence of #systemicracism despite overwhelming evidence
- Claims #MailinBalloting "fraught with risk" despite zero evidence
Out #RuleofLaw
In #BananaRepublic
#TrumpsAmerica #TrumpDOJ
Archival @Nick_Anderson_
RT @cartoonistgroup
- Denies existence of #systemicracism despite overwhelming evidence
- Claims #MailinBallots "fraught with risk" despite zero evidence
Out #RuleofLaw
In #BananaRepublic
#TrumpsAmerica #TrumpDOJ #TrumpLawyer
Archival @Nick_Anderson_
Following yesterday's #SCOTUS decisions, how will #DonaldTrump run on #LawandOrder?
#2020Election #2020ElectionCartoons
#RuleofLaw #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #KingDonald
Cartoon from the archive of @Nick_Anderson_
#Vote because the #RuleofLaw should be a high bar.
Cartoon from the archive of @joelpett1
#2020Election #RegisterToVote
#TrumpsLawyer + #DepartmentofTrumpJustice ≠ #JusticeforAll
#AGBarr + #MichaelFlynn = #TrumpCronies
If you can give me a well-articulated reason to be optimistic about November please do. When the #RuleOfLaw is dead, convicted criminal #Flynn who PLED GUILTY is pardoned, crony shills oversee everything & an entire political party is complicit the election already hijacked.
While worrying about the #CoronavirusPandemic, people in Hong Kong also need to worry about personal safety since #HKPoliceBrutality still exist.
Detainees are tortured to confession and emerge calls are not being responded promptly.
RIP #RuleOfLaw hello #HKPoliceState
#BillBarr did not criticize modified sentencing recommendation for #RogerStone. He said #DonaldTrump tweeting made it harder for the #AttorneyGeneral to do his job
So - How does he see his job?
Archival toon by @wuerker
RT @editorial_toons
#RuleOfLaw #Trumpistan #DOJ...not