There is no more freedom in HK. We can’t protest, assemble on streets, sing or chant slogan in shopping malls. Now even peaceful march in college campus is not allowed. has converted HK to a giant jail and

8 18

Of coz, in PK Tang’s standard, that wasn’t an attack but a protection, just like how described of subduing the 12-yr-old gal as “stopping” instead.

0 2

No matter who you are, could also arbitrarily arrest all ppl behind the cordon line, including FA & even press, that’s ridiculous 🤷‍♂️

3 11

Legal is dead! . They can do anything without consequence

29 62

/ fashion show 2019-2020. Have room to stick anything except a warrant/ID

10 14



4 8

While worrying about the people in Hong Kong also need to worry about personal safety since still exist.

Detainees are tortured to confession and emerge calls are not being responded promptly.

RIP hello

7 10



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