Wondercon 2022 exclusives go LIVE this Friday 12PM MST on Etsy for 24 hours only! Featured Dorothy of War art by Nox! We'll be at table SP-28 at the show with our exclusives and more!

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Samurai of Oz 4 Kickstarter is LIVE! Featured cover from the Fairy Tale Set by LenaDai!

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Pushed back but not forgotten! Samurai of Wonderland is in the same world as Samurai of Oz! What horrors and wonders await Alice the vampire hybrid? The Cheshire Cat isn't telling - yet!

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Samurai of Oz Second Chance shop closes on Monday! Featured Second Chance shop exclusive Virgin Samurai of Oz 3 cover "Emerald Path" by Dave Wilkins!

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The Samurai of Oz 3 Second Chance shop is open for one week only! Featured homage to J. Scott Campbell cover by

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Samurai of Oz 3 Second Chance Shop is LIVE! If you missed the Samurai of Oz 3 Kickstarter or want to get the pre order only exclusives: https://t.co/wnumjAWxoT

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Here Comes the Heat exclusives hit Etsy this Friday 12PM PST! Featured Samurai of Oz 2 art by Lichpix! On the left is the actual cover on the right is the safe for FB one.

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St. Patrick's Exclusives arrive in our Etsy shop this Friday, 12PM PST! Featured Samurai of Oz 2 "Wicked Luck" art by ! Metal of this cover will have ultra rares included too! Ultra rare is the one with orange background!

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Final 48 hours! Don't miss out on these beautiful covers that were introduced this week on the Samurai of Oz 3 kickstarter! https://t.co/SsAOi8mWAz

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Samurai of Oz 3 Sticker Sheet unlocked! Art by Kun Kuma! The Kickstarter ends this Friday! Please pledge and share: https://t.co/67yAUa3XNE

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Samurai of Oz 3 is LIVE! Get caught up with these Samurai of Oz 1 and 2 covers! Art by Jasonas and ! More info here: https://t.co/SsAOi8mWAz

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Super Stonks! This topless cover is included by adding on all 3 Danusko meme covers on the Samurai of Oz 3 Kickstarter! Please pledge and share: https://t.co/FXQ9xVYWt1

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73K! Featured art from the Jesse Cosplay Set with art by Leirix!
Now available on the Samurai of Oz 3 Kickstarter!

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These three Phase 2 covers Phase out tomorrow, Monday 8AM PST! Make sure to check in to see the new Phase 3 covers too! Please pledge and share: https://t.co/SsAOi8ExZ9

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Phase 2 is LIVE! Don't miss these Phase 2 covers that will be VIRGIN, no logo!

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Did you miss Samuai of Oz 1 and 2? Add on the Kickstarter exclusive covers! Please pledge and share: https://t.co/FXQ9xVHl4r

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We are past 39k and 4 hours before the first official 24 hours of the campaign! Thank you everyone! Please continue to pledge and share: https://t.co/SsAOi8mWAz

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Samurai of Oz 3 Kickstarter goes live in 4 days! Featured art by Illegal Star found on the Metal cover and the bag of mystery! Subscribe to get notified when we go live: https://t.co/a5Hz5jwaEO

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Samurai of Oz 3 is live in just 5 days! Featured Volume 1 collecting issue 1-3 cover art by first time Mount Olympus Comics artist Jealous! Join our mailing list to get notified when we are live: https://t.co/a5Hz5jwaEO

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