It's again
So it's time to spam... I mean share some old art over the next couple of hours again 🤣🤣🤣

My first 2 GFL art, P90 and SAR21

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Apocalipsis los 4 jinetes : Peste " sar21 cov omicron,etc ", Inflación y devaluar, Guerra ee.uu, rusia y ucrania. Luego viene el Hades y la muerte. Lo que viene es hambruna y muerte. Y el cielo como tela de silicio. El comienzo del fin de las eras. 👁️ 3 Años y medio de muerte.

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My first piece of GFL art, afterwhich I picked up the game and never looked back. Gonna need to finish up the rest the 404 squad next

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Three girls, Three Universes, Three Nationalities.
One for the beginning of the 'Ringed Trinity'.

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<우폿테!> 7
평소 반목하고 있던 초등부와 중등부의 모의전이 행해지는 가운데,
훈코는 SAR21과 국어 선생님에 대한 고백권을 놓고 승부한다.
더욱이, 모의전은 의외의 난입자까지 가세해 혼전 양상을 띄는데…?

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