Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And Summer’s lease hath all too short a date:

~Shakespeare, Sonnet 18

30 141

..13.3.Johan Zoffany (13 March 1733 – 11 November 1810) was a German painter Johan Joseph Zoffany David Garrick and his wife by his Temple to Shakespeare, Hampton..
Johan Zoffany (13 March 1733 – 11 November 1810) was a German painter.Venus and Adonis

10 16

William Shakespeare,
The Merchant of Venice, Act 4 Scene 1

Seed: 3745812533

Two cardinal virtues Not with the empty hollowness, but weight:

0 0

William Shakespeare,
The Tempest, Act 2 Scene 1

What's past is prologue; what to come,
In yours and my discharge.

1 4

William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 2
Seed: 2057974565

Until my lord's return: for mine own part, I have toward heaven breathed a secret vow To live in prayer and contemplation

0 5

Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 4 Scene 4

Seed: 3451137387

Contemplation were above the earth, And fix'd on spiritual object, he should still Dwell in his musings: but I am afraid, thinkings are below the moon, not worth His serious considering.

0 3

"Come not between the dragon, and his wrath."

– William Shakespeare, King Lear

[more Info in my carrd below]

3 5

If I could talk to ghosts, I'd love to have a conversation with Einstein, Shakespeare, or Martin Luther King Jr. to hear their thoughts on today's world.

who would you Talk to?

2 2

led me upon a light chain, for my more than for any security. To it was attached,in silver and brass, a plaque proclaiming me: “Mummer: the property of Master Hamnet The Rose Bankside, £20 Reward for this Bear’s safe return.

10 3

„The fox barks not, when he would steal the lamb…”

—  William Shakespeare, Henry VI,
Second Part, Act III, scene I. The Abbey at Bury St. Edmund's.

🌙Teagan White

22 64

10 - Mozart

Basically the arts version of Shakespeare, he buffs an arts np. Unfortunately he lacks any np charge, so make sure the servant you're supporting has an np charging skill. Really only recommended if you have no other options currently.

0 0

from Richard III by Shakespeare,
"I can add colours to the chameleon..."

8 28

In questa fotogallery vi presentiamo alcuni tipici ritratti firmati, semplici firme e testi autografi di celebri scrittori e scrittrici del passato, tra cui Luigi e molti altri ancora:

9 18

Se potessi scrivere la bellezza dei tuoi occhi,
E in numeri freschi numero tutte le tue grazie,
L'età a venire direbbe 'Questo poeta mente;
Tocchi così celesti non toccavano volti terreni. '
(William Shakespeare,Sonetto XVII)

Francis Picabia

60 98

My name is williiam shakespeare, i´m brazillian and i paint poorly some gays :)

0 2

All'inizio del Sciascia inserisce una citazione da Shakespeare, dall'Enrico vi. La regina Margherita incoraggia gli uomini alla battaglia "chi non vuole combattere vada a letto e se si alza sia oggetto di scherno come quando la civetta compare di giorno"

3 12

"Difícil a tarefa de acrescentar alguma substância à grandeza de Shakespeare, mas não cedamos a isso, os angustiados, os leitores comuns" via

1 4

Why hello there ghost of Vincent Price
I know little to nothing about The Suffering and Killjoy, but seeing as he was modeled after Price I think he’s pretty cool
And he also quotes poetry and Shakespeare, OH V~!

2 7

“Tis now the very witching time of night,
When churchyards yawn & hell itself breathes out
Contagion to this world; now could I drink hot blood,
And do such bitter business as the day
Would quake to look on”

― William Shakespeare, Hamlet,Act III,Scene ii
🎨Miles Teves

7 62