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Take Team Asano and have them create a Final Fantasy Tactics vibe SPRG in ‘HD-2D’. The end result is Triangle Strategy. If you can’t afford Triangle Strategy yet, the first 3 Chapters are FREE through the Prologue Demo. Triangle Strategy for Nintendo Switch is AVAILABLE NOW!

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va a ser el encargado de iluminaros la noche de sábado ✨🌜

¿Cuál fue vuestra primera entrega?
¿Llorásteis la pérdida de algún personaje? Y... ¿queréis ver alguna nueva entrega más? 🙀

¡Os leo!

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Back in 2018, storied series was revived with the release of Arc the Lad R. Now, this mobile sequel is making its way outside Japan with a closed beta in select countries.

Trailer+Details: https://t.co/cx5qjXc3Tq

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間に合えばケモノとおっさんが出てくる異世界転生っぽいSPRGを出したいと思ってます!(画面は開発中のものです。) よろしくです~

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Shoutout to Tsubasa Masao, an incredible artist. He started at Konami working on MGS2 and Zone of the Enders 2, then became the character designer of the illustrious SPRG Tactics Ogre as well as the highly successful Final Fantasy XIV. His drawings are often confused with Yoshida

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Are you ready for some big news about 's War of Ashird later this month? Grab your sword and be prepared for the announcement you've been waiting so long for!

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ちょっと前に再プレイした幻想水滸伝4の主人公 通称ヨン様 ラスボス倒してからエピローグまでの流れがなんだかすごく好き 続編のラプソディアもSPRGで面白いぞ!

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