830 days until Clark Kent's next solo movie releases in theaters.

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Les personnages de Jimmy Olsen et Lex Luthor sont en phase de casting, en effet des annonces de casting auraient été envoyées mais encore aucune audition pour le film !!!!

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No joke, that AI image generator is pretty fun

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833 days until Clark Kent's next solo movie releases in theaters.

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James Gunn rebate jornalista sobre escolha do novo Superman


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James Gunn confirmed to be directing reboot film "Superman: Legacy"; shares heartfelt coincidence with the release date

Read More: Link to be inserted

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All-Star Superman 🌤️

Inspired by announcing that he will be directing Superman: Legacy.

Hope you like these concepts 💭

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Hoy no puedo dibujar mucho así que ahi tenéis un super rapidillo. Que paséis un super finde amigos!!

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It was an open secret, but now it has practically been confirmed. Mr Gunn will direct
He already gave us a "dark version" and I'm very curious to see his approach with a luminous Superman.

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🚨James Gunn confirmou que o roteiro de já está bem avançado.

Será que vamos ter elenco até o fim do ano?

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🚨James Gunn disse que foi contratado pra escrever o filme do Superman seis meses atrás.

estreia dia 10 de julho de 2025!

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Love you Love almost everything you’ve done (Movie 43 notwithstanding). TRULY nothing against you as a director.


will not be as good as it *could* be if you direct.

I recommend Joseph Kosinski or Justin Lin 👍🏽👍🏽♥️

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