So, I finally drew the main protag of the story lol! I had him on the back burner cause I didn't have an outfit for him until now. This is Saavik, he's the fish out of water character.

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shoutout to saavik gotta be one of my favorite genders

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Lt. Saavik, formerly assigned to USS Enterprise NCC 1701 training cruise. Last seen crying in her beer at some dive in Boston.

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a cuando dibujaba en base a las fotos del fanzine de la "Frota Estelar", allá por los 90

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honorary mentions to Samus, my eternal Smash main no matter how much they nerf her, and Saavik who for some reason I have a crush on

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ever see a vulcan so beautiful u started crying

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DAY 17: Battle
"Sauce for the goose, Mr. Saavik. The odds will be even."

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