Happy Saint Joseph's Day everyone. No matter our location may we always remember to 'Go to Joseph' with Joseph's quiet humility and trust in God's providence...

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Could you identify with feeling like a lost minion in 2020? Yea, me too.

One good thing to come from the end of 2020 was a powerful apostolic letter from Papa Francesco (Patris Corde). Read on fellow minion @ https://t.co/ZwV7BPYsxX

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Today is the feast day of Patron of Good Death.

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I recently saw a construction worker & wondered what Joseph would be doing if he was alive today?

What would his relationship with Jesus look like?

Freedom & trust be with you all on this

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I am reading this book now and I recommend it. ⚡️ https://t.co/TPj5iK7Zwo

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