She’s my emotional support girlboss your honor

0 3

"So Sarah, did you decide on a name for them?"
"Why, Harry of course!"
"Why am I not surprised?"

44 274

" Yes, I know we're in a quarry, but where?"

Finished my chores today and decided it was probably time to attempt to draw Sarah Jane after having not done so for a few years. Really proud of how this one came out...

22 177

A spread from a proposed graphic novel of Genesis of the Daleks - 1993.

30 213

What are your thoughts about Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen? Comment below 👇 and we’ll read out your comments on our next podcast! 🎤🎧

2 9

lil edit on my sarah jane drawing, i didnt rly like the background one or the pink one so i added the shadows in here

when in doubt combine da two

3 9

i took some creative liberties w the background cuz im not good at them rn but heres a dw screencap redraw

3 6

"Have you met Miss Smith, she's my best friend!"

Watched School Reunion today, and this happened. Whoops. (I posted before but it had a mistake i quickly fixed!)

14 124

In addition to TV, has appeared in:

18 Target novelizations
10 Audio-exclusive BBC books
11 SJA novelizations
9 Big Finish audios
6 add’l Targets: 5 Doctors, Harry’s War, K9 & Co, Paradise of Death, Pescatons, Day o/t Doctor
5 Virgin Missing Adventures

0 14

“Life on Earth can be an adventure too”

To celebrate the life of today on the anniversary of her passing, & celebrate her amazing spinoff show here is a mock cover for a comic.

Sending love to you all.

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It’s Elisabeth Sladens birthday today! So I want to celebrate by sharing the many times I’ve drawn her...

20 143