my fave thing abt sargent's work is how he's able to make light reflect on shiny surfaces in the most decadent and delicate way possible...

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John Singer Sargent's "The Fountain, Villa Torlonia, Frascati, Italy" (1907) is a portrait of two fellow artists: American figure painter Jane de Glehn and her husband, Wilfrid, a British Impressionist painter. They often traveled with Sargent and appear in many of his works. 🎨

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I know this master study is nowhere near J.S. Sargent's work, but hoo boy did I learn a lot about colour combinations and stuff from this one study alone. Do you do master studies too? If so which artists and what have you learned?

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Painting study, also with John Singer Sargent's work! the original was his charcoal drawing.

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Daily color study: gravel stones.
A speed painting in about 2 hours.
Focus on color to render light and shade, referencing Sargent's oil paintings.

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+ this one.
(when I wrote this phrase on google I saw John Singer Sargent's drawings. woah)

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John Singer Sargent's colorful paintings

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Just some studies of a few portraits. I referenced a few of John Singer Sargent's paintings, but I was not successful imo

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John Singer Sargent's "The Fountain, Villa Torlonia, Frascati, Italy" (1907) is a portrait of two fellow artists: American figure painter Jane de Glehn and her husband, Wilfrid, a British Impressionist painter. They often traveled with Sargent and appear in many of his works. 🎨

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'Miss Anstruther Thomson'~ John Singer Sargent, (1899)

A mark of Sargent's exceptional talent was his ability to reveal his subject's character, especially the women who posed for him.

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Got a bit too excited and did both one of tonight's and one set for Friday. Focused on Sargent's brush work in both, and tried to tackle my saturation/color issues in the former! As usual, no eyedropper.

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Back for some portrait. Came across this photo that really reminded me of Sargent's work. Really happy with how it turned out!

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Handicapped by a childhood spinal injury, Sargent's sister Emily was a central force in his life. As constant travel companion & watercolourist, she hosted all his parties, managed the house, & generally ran the show. She lived near the Tite Street studio until her death in 1936.

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In 1913, Sir Hugh Lane made a conditional loan of 39 works to the . To assess its value, the NG turned to Sargent to write the report, which was very +. Yet another ex of Sargent's behind the scenes role in the creation of our modern art collections.

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'Miss Anstruther Thomson' ~ John Sargent.

A mark of Sargent's exceptional talent was his ability to reveal his subject's character. Thomson, engrossed in sketching and set against an architectural background, almost projects towards the viewer with a determined intensity.

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John Singer Sargent's "The Fountain, Villa Torlonia, Frascati, Italy" (1907) is a portrait of two fellow artists: American figure painter Jane de Glehn and her husband, Wilfrid, a British Impressionist painter. They often traveled with Sargent and appear in many of his works. 🎨

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'Miss Anstruther Thomson' ~ John Singer Sargent.

A mark of Sargent's exceptional talent was his ability to reveal his subject's character. Thomson, engrossed in sketching and set against an architectural background, almost projects towards the viewer with a determined intensity.

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I imagine by now we are all at this level of repose, but in more festive attire (not many 🎄 jumpers in Sargent's work sadly - it could have really livened up his career😆). In any case, Merry Christmas/Happy New Year, and we will see you in 2021 for more Sargent shenanigans.

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Netflix has used Sargent's portrait of Mrs Hammersley as a centre piece to their new remake of Rebecca. I don't think it was the right painting for it. I feel it should have been something more like the Duchess of Sutherland. Anyone else managed to catch it? What did you think?

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