Abeg wh go sponsor me for masters program abroad, Germany or France or any country good in my field(Fine and Applied Art, Painting Major)

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Please pass it on so people can get help!

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Hey people, these are a few creative directions on how you can be very useful during these times as a creative. Please take note. This story must be told and told accurately

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"You can’t make bitter-Kola sweet by changing its name to honey overnight, and you can’t change FSARS to angels by changing their name to SWAT overnight. After Saul repented, he went to the Arabian desert for 3 years"

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Feel free to print these and take to protest grounds, I made them for us!

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Want to help but don’t know what to say?


Click on tweet and it automatically composes a tweet for you, tagging one of the Nigerian politicians!

Spread the word!

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At Brielle Model Management we stand with our fellow Nigerians to

Join us in this movement to We as the youth must use our voices in every way we can. Share. Repost. Tweet. And retweet.


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We want justice for the death of every bystander and protester that has been shot during the protest. We need the police off the streets as we shout And fight for our rights. Until then we dont stop!!

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We boldly stand with the people. in Nigeria.

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Your Voice is your Weapon, Use it and together we will stop this menace. Our hearts to those who have lost a loved one in this trying times💔, you are not alone. We pray for strength and fortitude to bear the loss. 🙏

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It's like there's no lady in Ondo City oh, we've started converging and I'm the only female here 🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️. All those females making mouth in the group will explain.

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I realized while I was taking the pics of this work which I have finally completed that if I was to go out, I'd have to take off that chain and hide my phone since I don't have money to settle anybody. This is why we will not rest until

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We strongly condemn the excessive and deadly use of force in response to the peaceful protests being held in Nigeria against the Police Force. We also condemn the profiling of young Nigerians on the basis of their appearance.

Image Credit:

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