The Densest Dusty Cloud Cores. Img1 in the galactic plan clumpy pockets so thick w/ dust. The dusty cloud will likely evolve into one of the most massive young clusters of stars in

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Map of material distribution in disk around protostar G358-MM1. White “+” marks the location of the protostar. As a star forms, a protostellar disk helps to feed material to the nascent “protostar” at its center

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Balloons, in atmosphere of Uranus, could be used to harvest helium-3 as starship fuel for Project Icarus. Img Adrian Mann. «Oldest technology to support latest fusion propulsion.»

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Ignorance : A great challenge for Also a great challenge for because ignorance leads to disaster and to the enslavement.

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Titan and its clouds Img1 Titan's clear skies are not what researchers expected Img2&3 clouds are made from hydrocarbons, possibly methane by

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Jupiter & its moon Io by An extraordinary mission that will lead to interstellar medium

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: An important moment for the future Space vision of members of ESA & European Nations, & associated budget! Confirmation ; new impetus …How not to be overwhelmed by the flow of What will Rosalind Franklin Mars rover become?

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Breathless Img of Jupiter by Telescope & after processing by Judy Schmidt

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Stephan’s Quintet
Img1 stunning details by Img2 shocking surprise by Spitzer Telescope showing one of the largest shock waves ever seen (green arc)

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To potentially image an Earth-sized up to 100 light-years away, detecting surface features as small as 10 kilometers across.

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White paper, ‘China’s Space Program: A 2021 Perspective’: Tiangong by Xinhua/eyevine ; ZhengHe to visit an to be launched 2024 ; Hubble-class Xuntian telescope by CSNA. More on

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Other mission, the Comet Interceptor, with « the excitement that you could get to a genuinely interstellar object from another solar system »; by for a planned 2028 launch Img

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Southern Pinwheel Galaxy M83 Img1 visible light Img2 infrared Img3 radio light (red) and ultraviolet light (blue) Img4 X-rays

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Navigating your forest of fears won’t be easy, but we’ll be with you every step of the way!

Let’s figure it out together in 2021: Sonder, September 6-18. This is Ateneo Psyche, where people come first.

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Strengths of humans are dreams, Paths to them are long and tortuous. Sometimes the craziest dream is among the oldest. Nowadays enable that things happen more quickly. Philanthropists and have always been .

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«When fires on a rock, you hear a sound that looks like a snap of a finger, due to the shock wave that occurs during impact, visible as plasma of a few mm in height!»

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After NG15 departs from it boosts to a higher altitude, where the E-NRCSD dispenses the into orbit: IT-SPINS Img1 & MySat-2 (DhabiSat) Img2, under ’ ninth mission

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