Septimal Week! 5/7
Let me introduce you: Zerfus "The Radiant Justice"
Owner of the "Charge" Septima
He is Blind, but he can see and absorb people's auras, using them to create powerful energy.

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Septimal Week! 4/7
Let me introduce you: Tebe "The Solid Sky Mage"
Owner of the "Fake Border" Septima
Acting like a Mime, is capable of create invisible walls around her!

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Septimal Week! 3/7
Let me introduce you: Nebilyon "The Paranormal Lover"
Owner of the "Ectoplasmic" Septima.
She is capable of transform her body into ectoplasmic matter!

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Septimal Week! 2/7
Let me introduce you: Uva "The Passionate Rockstar"
Owner of the Funky Noise septima.
He is capable of maipulate soundwaves, using that as a way to distort reality itself!

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Today, i'll introduce you: The Septimal Week!
I'll be showcasing my new brand cast of adept ocs!

Day 01: Brem "The Strong Naturalist"
User of the Terraform Septima,
he's capable of generate stone from the ground!

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