Remember in 2019 when I drew a dragon every day for a month and called it I wanna do it again but who has the tiiiiime 😩

0 7

I saved my personal favorite for last. Its a mix of watercolour with some Posca pen details and Im so happy with how the colours turned out! And the snake looks so cute :)

The last (day 30)!! Im doooooneee!!

4 26

I wanna do more with these colours.

day 26

0 13

I think its the weird uneven effects that make it interesting. I really like thisone.

day 25

1 14

mentioned I'm killing alot of chickens with my serpentember and I should allow the reverse to happen aswell.

Of course I can do that!

day 22

1 3

- 10 day
Before that, I hadn’t painted purebred serpent-humans. This is the first cpncept try of how they could look
As you already know Poloz half-breed snake (his father is a Snake Czar, his mother is human), so he has more human like face,eyes and body type.

0 11

I think Im starting to get Chameleon pens now.

day 18

0 15

- А твоя последняя работа? Как она тебе?

ХМММММ, что я могу считать последней работой, поселении работы для себя это челенд Serpentember который я забросила на неделю, но опять начну вот на днях, там все работы дороги и прекрасны ибо мой змеиный малыш на каждом арте

0 8

Pet chicken? No, I haven't seen any pet chicken...

day 12

1 17