Treated myself to 90 mins of drawing time this morning despite a horrible to do list. Hope you like :) keep fighting the good fight...

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Posting some art to distract myself from the continued insanity.

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✔ Love corruption?
✔ Happy about 130,000+ Brits dying of Covid?
✔ Cool with our Economy lying in ruins?
✔ Hate the poor/ vulnerable?
✔ Like being an int. embarrassment?
✔ Big fans of tax-cheat Billionaires?


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Boris Johnson and his posh Tory mates used Covid to fill their pockets - and 130,000+ Brits died.

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I am quite afraid of this particular ghost

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Reasons to NOT vote Tory: Theresa May aided and abetted in selling UK weapons to Saudi Arabia - knowing full well that they would be used to kill children & civilians!!!

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