First Set | Sifu
- Photomode in game
- 4K DSR
- ReShade 5.1.0

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updated  new skins, the deluxe version is a suit. Now, 2 old men from 2 fighting games have already had their cool suit skins~😎
Shujinko, join them~👴👴👴

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Also because I got bored with playing as guys all the time and wanted to switch things up for a change

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Similar beard style🧔
I think Studio has influenced by MK and used Shujinko's ages idea into game😃
I am sure if back, and fight the game must be as great as Sifu

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Let's kick some butt in SIFU! Join me for a fun, short but sweet 2 hour stream!

Twitch: AutumnRhapsodyVT

(Thumbnail is cropped from art by @.schewiener! Tysm PGM!)

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dibu jito de sifu pq ya ando una semana entera viciado en eso

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... last one🤞🏿I gave him a fade this time.

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Literally how it feels in when you’re trying to no death and you mess up one dodge and die on the boss 😭

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When you playing & the boss hits you with a new combo

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Im a fan of Kung Fu games and Sifu looks like the one. I’m ready!

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