I don't usually post for Valentine's day, but this month's Patreon Sivoa:Sunrise illustration happened to match (no seriously. It wasn't planned for Chapter 12 to post in Feb. when I started this last year). So uh - Happy Valentines day!

(Links for all things on profile.)

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"The library was massive. A segmented triple helix that reached up into infinity and pierced the sky with its translucent glass and metal. Ivory and gold, the library practically glowed from the soft light that filtered in through the top..."

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Another set of old character profiles images from when I was doing Sivoa as a series. :)
These are the remaining members of the Sassin family. You can read more about them (and others) in Sivoa:Sunrise, which you can find by … https://t.co/nSqivTXC6Q

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