Inuzinho fofo passando na sua timeline para avisar que tem até dia 31/08 para assinar o clube e recebê-lo na sua casinha 👀💖💖💖

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Here's some assorted Sivoa stuff I did and happened to have saved to my phone. 😅

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An eerie hand can be seen reaching out from the depths of the ice in this illustration voted on by Dragonmun Studios Patrons! It's based on a scene that takes place after Sivoa: Sunrise, & is something that only members can read (for now). Check it out at

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Sivoa has fantasy novels, supplemental materials, and a ton of artwork at 😁

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Thanks for the opportunity to share! I'm Heather and I'm kinda addicted to painting OCs and scenes from my fantasy novel series, Sivoa ( 😅

(I do work for others too, but this is what I'm showing off. 😁)

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Aww! Thank you for this opportunity!

I'm a Heather and I'm a storyteller in the written and visual sense. I have a few publications for Sivoa, an original setting filled with original characters, all of which can be found at!

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I was asked about Sivoan animals and I found myself say much about them. I might have mentioned a few creatures off-handedly within the book itself, but I didn’t really detail any animal out at all - except for the taratins, which you can read about at

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Lookie!!! There's new Sivoa stuff at !! 💕

(if the link doesn't work, go this profile's link and click on the Patreon menu item there)

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It's Tuesday! That means the Dragonmun/Sivoa Patreon has something new to look at! Check it at (or by clicking on the "Patreon" menu item on this profile's link).

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I spent the whole Valentine's day thing looking at artosts posting their in love and going "daww! I should draw something like that!"

... and I totally forgot I did. 😅

Scene from Sivoa: Sunrise (and posted initially on Patreon)

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-Parte del BeNeLux
-Atractiva y popular
-Le gusta viajar
-Va en bicicleta a todas partes
-Muy probable que vaya fumada
-Pasivoagresiva si se molesta
-Pero es amable la mayor parte del tiempo
-Buena hermana mayor

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As for me, I'm the award-winning author/illustrator behind Sivoa, a fantasy story about a teenage girl trying to escape an evil sorcerer and runs into a hidden rebellion.

Get the book, read the suppliments, and view the art all at!

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I don't usually post for Valentine's day, but this month's Patreon Sivoa:Sunrise illustration happened to match (no seriously. It wasn't planned for Chapter 12 to post in Feb. when I started this last year). So uh - Happy Valentines day!

(Links for all things on profile.)

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Reposting because, apparently, the info on the file from last time said it was 16.9 ratio instead of the 1:1 that it was. Whoops.

This still is the (accurately sized) completed image of the last sketch. If you know color theory, you can maybe guess at a Sivoa story spoiler. ;)

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Eeeek! One week until

This grand visual will be behind me at table W18 (along with the rest of the Sivoa: Sunrise front cover 😂)! It's subtle, but you can see that it was painted using that hard round brush technique that I mentioned in Tuesday's post.

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Home to the largest library in Sivoa, Libris Del Sol is a wonder to behold. It has stood since before known civilization and is the most desired Kingdom in the world.

The colored version of yesterday's comic page. Some changes to clean it up, but I mostly used the same lines. ;)

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Eric snickered as he picked up the discarded object and placed it in his rucksack. He then grabbed a branch and hoisted himself up next to the fired-up calico nut-case, who nearly knocked him out of the tree when he dove into his bag after the binoculars.

~ Sivoa: Sunrise

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"The library was massive. A segmented triple helix that reached up into infinity and pierced the sky with its translucent glass and metal. Ivory and gold, the library practically glowed from the soft light that filtered in through the top..."

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"Flag had slammed the door as he stepped out and, naturally, the glass within it had shattered. He swore under his breath as he turned to pick up the pieces."
~Sivoa: Sunrise

Like I said before, the sketch for this doesn't match, thought I did use it for the glass shards.

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