Late April Fools manga featuring Smollusk as the victim...

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a few aquatic I designed last year 🌊 🐟
(the cone snail fakemon are Smollusc > Aquopod > Gastrident)

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My Gallus and Smolder art still comes up if you Google them and that makes me feel alive. Smollus is my favorite and always will be!

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Recently I’ve been redrawing my starter designs to match my newer ones, here’s a comparison of new vs old (also minor smollusc redesign)

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Using the scallop fossil, you can obtain Smollusk and Swollusk (Water/Fighting), the Mussel Pokemon:
In ancient times, these pokemon trained their shells by banging against rocks. The Swollusk with the biggest gains is considered the "Alpha". They are the ancestors of Shellder.

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Smollustrious was a bit shy when giving you flowers, so Smol Renown, Lena, and Clevelad came along for moral support

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I have this idea that gallus is horrible at communicating and smolder isn't afraid to call him out on his shit and help him work through it and in turn helps him let go of things he holds onto.

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"You tell me you're tipsy, I tell you you're pretty!"

I've been listening to this song like crazy and these lyrics are so cute!

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I wanted to practice painting clouds! So heres adult!Smollus~ Gallus is based off a blue Macaw and Smolder I tried to give a longer dragon feel!

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