Tutto tacce
nella qiuete
della notte,
nel suo silenzio
più assordante,
tutto tace
all'infuor del
mio cuore
che urla il
suo nome.
Tutto tace
tranne che

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Già un anno

Silenzio assordante di una dolce melodia, foglie, alberi

Ciao di nuovo

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Day 8: WIP Mood Board

Behold! I have created a mood board for the entire (remaining) Triempery series.

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The thick coat of sky barnacles below deck have developed into encruster beasts. Scrupe completely neglected the ship's maintenance and it could cause problems - in Tourist Terror, our most recent Patreon campaign

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Exonids are an insect-like species that live in large underground burrows deep in the wilds of Sordane. Prey you don't come into contact with one when exploring the mines in our first Patreon campaign, Fool's Crystal

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Happy to share more imagery I have painted for the Skies of Sordane RPG a while back.

This scene depicts a gnome with his familiars at his workshop. He is busy energizing one of his odd magical creations, a very unique kind of hooverboard.

let me know what you think!

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I was asked to be an illustrator and art director for the Skies of Sordane RPG.

This is a docking station of the airships i painted, where the adventuring party stops to restock on supplies and take the time for relaxation before the arduous journey ahead

Hope you like!

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Hope you are all wellA

I would like to present you with a painting I have made for Arcane Minis: Skies of Sordane RPG.

This is a docking station, where damaged airships are brought to be repaired by drones.

I would love to know your thoughts!

All the best,


2 20

Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well.
I am happy to share a painting I made for the Skies of Sordane RPG, by Arcane Minis.

A caravan of airships is exploring uncharted jungles, uncovering the secrets and mysteries within the dense forest.

I would love to know your thoughts!

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ahmet ağaoğlu sponsordan gelen parayı sayıyor

17 180

«Il sonno della ragione genera mostri [...] Nel caso nostro, si vedono solo le teste, svettanti su tutto, parlano, si sente il loro cicalare assordante, parlano, parlano, fino a un punto-limite dove si perde il senso delle parole» Biagio de Giovanni https://t.co/dwdpBS6IuL

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Oltre la fame
Di terra
E di secoli
Oltre l'odore
Di lampi
E tempeste
Oltre il rumore
Di mare
E libeccio
Oltre la luce
Del vuoto
Oltre i misteri
Oltre le tracce
Di lupi
E parole
Oltre le note
Di Mozart
E Brahms


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