And if you would like a print copy of vol. 1 you can get that over on

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Woke up today with some really exciting ideas for future stories so I figured I'd share Spaceman and Bloater Vol.1 again for all the people that haven't read it!
Digital is currently free and you can get a print copy for 12.99!

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Alright, I'm hopping back on the art train! It's been a while since I've drawn anything as I've been spending the last month laser focused on writing new I often share my comic art and sketches but here are some single illustrations I've done.

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Hi I'm Jason. I suppose I'm also part of I make comics, mostly indie and self published. My current focus is on my creator owned book & a project called about a group of kids that can travel through time w/ a magic feather pen.

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People are posting their so I'll jump on that train! I've got a few! This'll be a thread with some images from each & links to read/download!
If you want sci-fi adventure w/ a bit of comedy, this is the one for you.

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Apparently it's So hi! I'm Jason. I'm a comic artist & illustrator. I'm was the artist on the but I've worked on a lot of projects including my comic series Vol.1 of that is here and the pdf is FREE:

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Also, if you like Alejandro's shirt in that's an actual shirt that you can get on my shop as well!

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Done! I’m really happy with how this turned out! First time I’ve ever done a full figure sculpt and it’s making me want to maybe do a full body sculpt for too...We’ll see.

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I don't have a specific dream property or thing I'd like to work on necessarily, but I'd love to work with , , , and/or on almost anything! Here are some of my comic page samples from &

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