The illuminator Joseph Ibn Hayyim left his mark with these curious letters:
'I, Joseph Ibn Hayyim, illuminated and completed this book.'

Bodleian Library MS Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.447r

9 36

Joseph Ibn Hayyim marks the beginning of Torah portion Shoftim (שֹׁפְטִים) with these golden hybrids & fine penwork.

Bodleian Library, MS Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.109r

8 30

1710: George Carpenter, former MP Newtownards, Down wounded at Battle of Almenar, near Balaguer, Spain; War of Spanish Succession. Prisoner/exchanged. 1719, made Baron Carpenter of Killaghy, Kilkenny. Before, Williamite War in Ireland for William III

1 4

United by geometric form: Qur’ān & Hebrew Scriptures

BL Or 12523C; 13th century; Volume 39 of a Qur’ān, copied probably in Granada, Spain ; f.37r
Bodleian Library, MS. Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.122r

20 56

Joseph Ibn Hayyim marks the beginning of the Torah portion Chukat (חֻקַּת), which tells of the laws of the red heifer, with this beautiful creature.

Bodleian Library, MS Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.88v

9 31

The illuminator Joseph Ibn Hayyim was having fun with words here!

Bodleian Library, MS Kennicott 1; 'Kennicott Bible'; 1476CE (5236 since creation); La Coruña, NW Spain; f.447r

5 31

Chariot race, 3rd century Museo Arqueologico Nacional,

163 1097

ICUMI, here are the images I've shared for sculpture-Luisa Roldán, Spain; painting-Yolanda López, U.S.; architecture-Lina Bo Bardi, Brazil; & embroidery-Ana Teresa Barboza, Brazil. This year's theme: heritage & hope.

4 6

Joseph Ibn Hayyim marks the beginning of Torah portion Shoftim (שֹׁפְטִים) with these intertwined golden hybrids & beautiful penwork.

Bodleian Library, MS Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.109r

11 47

United in geometric design: Qur’ān & Hebrew Scriptures

BL Or 12523C; Volume 39 of a Qur’ān, copied probably in Granada, Spain; 13th century ; f.37r
Bodleian Library, MS. Kennicott 1; Kennicott Bible; 1476CE;
La Coruña, Spain; f.122r

12 41

Joseph Ibn Hayyim marks the beginning of the Torah portion Re'eh (רְאֵה) with this open mouthed creature with blue horns & golden wings.

MS Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.106r

4 26

Joseph Ibn Hayyim marks the beginning of the Torah portion Eikev (עֵקֶב) with a thoughtful looking bird standing on one leg.

Bodleian Library MS Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.103v

19 49

1710: George Carpenter, former MP Newtownards, Down wounded at Battle of Almenar, near Balaguer, Spain; War of Spanish Succession. Prisoner/exchanged. 1719, made Baron Carpenter of Killaghy, Kilkenny. Before, Williamite War in Ireland for William III

0 0

Joseph Ibn Hayyim marks the beginning of the Torah portion Chukat (חֻקַּת), which tells of the rite of the red heifer, with this beautiful creature.

MS Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.88v

6 13

SECRETS OF THE SILVER LION out today! This is an all-new adventure for 's that'll take your 8-12 year olds on a trip to Washington Heights, NYC; Sevilla, Spain; and Potosí, Bolivia

30 91

Joseph Ibn Hayyim marks the beginning of Parsha Shoftim (שֹׁפְטִים) with these intertwined hybrids & beautiful penwork.

MS Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.109r

11 27

Joseph Ibn Hayyim marks the beginning of Parsha Re'eh (רְאֵה)
with this open mouthed creature with blue horns & golden wings.

MS Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.106r

15 56

Joseph Ibn Hayyim marks the beginning of Parsha Eikev (עֵקֶב) with a bird standing on one leg.

MS Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.103v

3 15

Hi! I'm an illustrator from Spain; most of my work revolves around nature, intimacy and childhood, though I also believe in illustration as a way of creating a better world for everyone 🌿🌟

I'm currently looking for freelance work!

13 29

Joseph Ibn Hayyim marks the beginning of Parsh Chukat (חֻקַּת) with this beautiful creature. Shabbat Shalom!

MS Kennicott 1; 'The Kennicott Bible'; 1476 CE; La Coruña, Spain; f.88v

5 20