The is a small and slender member of the family and is to the Indian subcontinent.

Learn more about today's '#CriticallyEndangered' as written by Dr. Nigel Collar on our blog➡️

🖌 Art:

1 7

Our laughingthrush,lives in dense forest patches of high elevations in Nilgiri & Wayanad.Has rufous underparts,olive-brown upper parts,white eyebrow,black throat & olive-brown tail,it is omnivorous–feeds on insects, nectar & berries.
Art:Jessica Luis

1 22

Our found in Southeast Asia, is walking catfish, a freshwater air breathing catfish species with an elongated body. It dwells mostly in stagnant such as swamps, ponds, streams & where water is slow-moving.

Radha Pennathur

1 19