Star Wars ttrpg session 0 was fun. I now have a mechanic Twi’Lek who has a metal pole with which he will beat the shit out of people 💅✨#StarWars

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It’s been a while, but new character, who dis? Made just so many versions of my new Imperial defector character, Skip Kelph.

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In WEG tradition, Treyorr’s descriptive template type was Glum Gran / Sullen Spacer. Treyorr flew a “Z-cepter” ugly as Vanguard 5 & wingman to ’s PC! 1/2

Art: Jimmy McWicked aka

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We're expecting a huge array of releases and restocks this week, particularly for the and BattleTech. Today we have the re-released Core Rulebook and Legend of the Five Rings restocks available.

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Taking a little break from dinos tonight to do a quick portrait of my Edge of the Empire character; Arteesik Vooge, Ardennian spy for the Rebellion.

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Get extra cash or store credit for your preowned Star Wars gaming products and memorabilia from Wizards, Dark Horse, FFG, Hasbro, and more!

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Work in progress for a space station cross section map, showing usage of various parts on each of six irregular wings.

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Not even mad that in the mysterious, cloaked stranger was not revealed to be "me"

Intrigued by & eager to learn more about them, their history with Chelli — AND whether or not my d6 stats for their seem accurate ⚡️🎲⚡️

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Our band doesn’t have a name yet, but our “tour bus” sure does!

Inspired by anthropomorphic freighters & by my lead singer/pilot being a Frog, here's the POLLIWOG'S WARBLE!

Exterior art by !
Interior deckplan/layout sketch by me!

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These Mercenaries would make an epic RPG party (Dugg in the flying mech get up is also very much invited).

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No puedes pedirle a un artista ni a un rolero que vea una serie o saga y no se haga su propio OC / personaje... Bueno... bastante es que solo he hecho uno xD

Y si algún día juego ya tengo pj.

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Once upon a time I drew a lot of RPG for the community. Here is my gallery at the community there:

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This past Saturday, I *finally* finished the colors for my PC inspired by the OG Marvel run:

Elroy “El Gato” — crack-shot gunslinger, who has sworn to avenge the death of his brothers & the destruction of their bodega on Fest!

(Art by me, )

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The sketch sheet I went through to figure out proportions and a pose

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In a galaxy far, far away... ✨
Completed the Star Wars RPG piece I was commissioned for!

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Early for but I couldn't wait to share the latest "Player Character as emoji" portrait for our WEG/D6 campaign!

😈+👹+😁 = A Devaronian known as RIN D'RILIZ, the "legitimate businessman" played by !

(Artwork by Me)

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Last but not least of the head NPC team is Tabix the Imperial Inquisitor and former friend of Amelia. Art once again by

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