happy 10th thanks for the fun memories and cute blue ladies 😺

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| Spinel| `You need to get angry, Steven`

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More this time Wanted to tr4y and keep her color pallete but also give her more flowy clothes

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Anualmente, tengo la tradición de redibujar el mismo fotograma de de pero por límite de imágenes nomás muestro 3

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Fanarts de no me agrada mucho Rose, pero me encanta el primer traje de Perla 😍💕.

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I feel like all the lore has been squeezed out of but have people noticed that this is a possible reference to Spinel?

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I was trying to figure out why Pearl's arm is wrong here, eventually realized there's no good way to make it work. I tried this sketch to "fix" it. Feels like sacrilege to try to improve on but I gotta try stuff if I'm gonna get less terrible.

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: Here's a singe character available! Inspired in part from this gem is ready for immediate purchase!

See details at:

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Fanart of his smile in my style wouldn't be enough so I keep his original one in this way

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멍멍 에유 좋아해주시는 분들 좀 계셔서 더 그려볼 예정인데 스유 작품 땨라그리기 해볼래요!! 원하시는 이미지 멘션으로 남겨주세요!

If you comment me any of the scenes in the StevenUniverse, Then I will gonna change to Retriever Au! I'll draw what I want.😌

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I am both excited and pleasantly shocked by how overt Amity's attraction to Luz is in 's Outside of it's the first US cartoon to be this open about attraction in a show meant for young audiences.

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Rose Petals

Couldn't decide which one I liked more, so here's both versions!

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EyeBall Ruby and Aquamarine (Bluebird Azurite)


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Today's FREE / example is of my favorite character from

If you'd like to download this and 7 other upcoming Avatars for personal-use, click the Stash link below!

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The Bob's Burgers fandom are going back to the Semifinals for the third year in the row with Alex Papasian from advancing to the Final Four. Peridot from their time in the playoffs comes to a sudden close.

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I redrew my version of Steven and Garnet's fusion, from the 's show that I did a bit more than a year ago 😊💗
⁽ʳᵗ'ˢ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵃᵗᵉᵈ⁾

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Otro de mis perspnajes favoritos en me hubiera gustado verla con más protagonismo, pero igual su historia me encantó 💖

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Join Grace Rolek, the voice of Connie Maheswaran from and me as we talk about Steven Universe: Beach-a-Palooza Card Battling Game. Look how GORGEOUS it is! July 30th 3:00PM PST/6:00PM EST we're LIVE as a special GenCon event on WasabiAnime

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