A few days ago, we broached 600 followers! It's a small milestone compared to some big fish, but it's big to us! Frankie here from wants to show her love and appreciation. Thank you!

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Just a few more foods left to implement into Chimera Coffee before we've got another stage completed. And that means new test builds for everybody who's already backed should be coming next weekend!

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Evolution of Frankie, our main support character from Strange Recipe! Fiddled with her design a few times before we felt satisfied this was the one.

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Thank you for 300 followers! Charlie wanted to show his appreciation by dressing up as his hero: Gator Loki!

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every ingredient in

What will you make with this collection of colorful ingredients?

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Jean writing! Finally have a title for just about finished, haha! Took me long enough to get around to it.

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Success! I feel I improved upon Frankie's eyes for our whimsical game This will definitely look better with the newly implemented eye tracking than what was previously shown, haha!!

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