Now that our Covid headaches are gone, the moving headache is setting in. Still, as proof that we're not dead, here's page one of issue two (still without backgrounds because moving and also early onset terrible two's).

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There's too much on the docket for but I can offer a little bit of for ya. having a time.

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Here are two simultaneous types of transformations for today’s (2016 vs. 2020)

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Per the poll, here's one of the more powerful members of the He's a dryad with a love of spell design, a soft spot for the underdog, and deep respect for the Magicks.

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Two days left!

Well, maybe. We're waiting on some red tape to clear so we can actually sell our wares on our website. 😤 Here's praying that we get what we need in time. If not, we may still do a limited launch. We'll keep you posted.

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I'm a little late to but here's a little WIP of where we are with Issue 1. Henry, Henry, just shut up before you make yourself look like more of an ass.

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got the werewolf Wednesday treatment this time around. This is Constance. She is the most skilled of the Bloodhounds at the willed Shift, mostly because she prefers her lupine forms… and going absolutely feral on perpetrators.

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