subin's cameo for this episode as the convenience store cashier, a customer ordered a cigarette & he asked for its ID to verify his age, but it refuses and leave. when jaemin arrives he expect that eunchae will be there too. he misses gaeul so much just by hearing these two talk.

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jaemin was looking into eunchae's mini notebook and found her drawing of him in which she wrote ✨the epitome of dazzling✨ around him

eunchae: i mean that, youre shining...when i look at you.

and theres subin looking at them, "good times~ i wish i was like that too" 🥲

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subin noticed that jaemin always comes to this convenient store (where he works part-time at) with eunchae sjdjdj

subin: oh? hes coming alone today huh? the girl who always came with him...oh there she is!

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cada dia a gente ganhando mais kudos e subindo na tag de hifudo...........

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the wasp

by nasubineko

7 14

숩프들 빼빼로 받아여

36 100

6년전 오늘의 정수빈💗
똘망똘망한 눈을 한 아기신인🥺
수빈아 데뷔 6주년 축하해💐

26 64

subin's cameo as the convenience store cashier in this episode.🤭

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jaemin finally met subin! they both felt familiar with each other but couldnt remember each other😭

they both were like, "where had i seen him?" sjdjdjdj

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perdi muita partida achei que ia voltar pra plat porém SUBINDO CONTINUAREI

0 19

jaemin meeting with eunchae again.

theyre meeting in front of a convenience store and apparently kang subin is working part-time there!

many characters from previous arcs have appeared in this dongchae's flower arc~

5 19

Estão deixando a gente sonhar. Tá subindo o número.

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내가 좋아하는 사진으루 그리기...😆
어떤 사진이게욤~

31 80

seeing this panel reminded me of this other panel from last season 🥲 will we ever see gaeul x subin comeback

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Pas di konser txt kemarin, aku terheran heran dalam hati “wah ternyata banyak MOA yang jadi chef ya yang nonton, pasti mereka abis pulang kerja”

Astaga setelah diusut ternyata mereka cosplay YUTA JUJUTSU KAISEN untuk paduka subin 🤣😭😭🤣😭

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