The evolution story of in Caricature . From camel herding to a ruler of Sudan.

The tyrant Al-Bashir sought the help of in Darfur genocide, and he became his right arm until the outbreak of the when he turned against Al-Bashir

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"Our art is not a trend. Our art will live longer and tell the real story. I know I painted the stones, but it’s touched the hearts of my people and I believe it will live forever."

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"I know they will paint over it one day, but they can’t paint over the hearts we touched." -

"The positive vibes expressed by protestors was just contagious. It is addictive and it is not leaving. -

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Have you checked out our series on Sudan's Artists of the Revolution? Our first interviews were with and . Check out their interviews on our site.

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Amna Elhassan (): Amna works with striking portraits or prints, often in black and white - her portrait of an elderly Sudanese woman below is labeled with an Arabic verse by AbdelAziz Gowaida, and is referring to the


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تضامنا مع الكنداكات المغدورات بكل أنحاء السودان ..


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Sudan's Artists of the Revolution: an interview with Galal Yousif ()

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in the loving memory of a Kid named Mattar and all the martyrs of Sudan.
ربنا يرحم و يغفر لجميع شهدائنا المناضلين للحرية ، السلام و العدالة.
و مهما ضاقت الأحوال ، أكيد قلم الظلم مكسور.

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Yesterday night was beyond devastating. How could they do this during a blessed month?

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“Their clinking rebels against the rhythm of music, annoying and disorderly”.
“It is the mysterious aspect of the revolutionary act, its unexplained, unstoppable, uncompromising pulse”.

Read Waqas Elsadig translated text on: “The Clinkers” in comments.

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