Alele! Pair CoAi

"Do you know? You wear that and nobody can tell who you are. Even Clark Kent would be surprised too."

"Then you, who took off your glasses, would be superman?"

107 404

On a note, Outside of their origins,

Literally nothing of Goku’s character is derived from Superman.

Y’all have these “whose better Goku or Superman?” comparisons and arguments solely based on a single homage.

31 191

Greetings, humans. Is this comic from your favorite era of Superman?

8 67

What if Superman had to fight an evil Superman?
What if Superman had to fight an evil Superman?
What if Superman had to fight an evil Superman?
What if Superman had to fight an evil Superman?

0 5

A horror event staring Wonder Woman, Batman and superman???


4 31

Can we still expect to see My adventures with Superman?

63 939

Aight between The Samaritan (left) and Hyperion (right), who is the better looking Walmart Superman?

3 19

James Gunn sugeriu que o Batman do DCU será mais velho que o Superman:

"Ele é um repórter. Ele está no Planeta Diário. Estamos entrando em um mundo onde os super-heróis existem e existiram. Significa que o Batman pode ser alguns anos mais velho que o Superman? Sim, pode ser."

29 881

Gunn suggests DCU Batman will be older than Superman:

"He's working. He's a reporter. He's at the Daily Planet. Again, we're coming into a world where superheroes exist and have existed. So, does that mean Batman might be a couple years older than Superman? Yes, it could be."

171 1900

Which actors would cast as the DCU’s new Batman and Superman?

See the full DCU slate:

400 8185

Someone that can beat Goku and Superman? their fusion of course

5 21

"who's stronger Goko or Superman? not oc" by /u/Tuxedo_Tomato:

2 14

Did DC forget about My Adventures with Superman??? It’s been like 2 years since they announced it

12 68

I love the "All-Star" interpretation of Clark as an awkward big guy, a farm boy used to throwing around haybales but believably bumbling in a cubicle-filled office. Avoids the "how does nobody figure out the muscular guy is Superman?" bit nicely, too.

0 6

✨ O que você mais gostaria de ver no novo filme do Superman?

30 1199

Too old to be Superman? Bruh Superman is supposed to age lol. He isn’t supposed to permanently be a 20 year old. He ain’t immortal

0 1

Who would win in a game of musical chairs? Boyfriend,Chloe Price,Rachel Amber or Superman?

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