je regarde the K2 en ce moment et j'adore du coup woila woila

0 1

must watch on time~📺🕖Ending soon~great job!Anna❤🎉

185 125

You're my high. You're my calm. You're my necessity. You're my luxury! You're my Wookie! 💞💞💞💞

9 27

must watch on time🕖📺~ Anna angel miss u💞👼

206 129

must watch on time📺🕖~Friday is coming!Annaya~❤😆

193 127

must watch on time~📺🕖Anna's Amazing Grace ... Really great🎶👼

290 184

must watch on time~📺🕖 handsome Anna waiting for you!!😀✨

128 120

must watch on time~📺🕖 Because a pack of instant noodles...Very happy Anna💞😆

352 195

其實還沒開始看,想等養肥在看 (等鵝鵝變肥鵝)

3 4

[THE K2]9월23일 8시 첫방송!! 본방사수~너무 기쁘다!!!!!📺😄

220 132