For preconquest Visenya and Rhaenys

"Rhaenys was kindhearted, graceful, playful, curious, impulsive, and given to flights of fancy, with a mischievous aspect. A voluptuous, sensual, and passionate woman, Visenya was also stern, serious, and unforgiving."

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D: My goodness, Jorah, we've completely forgotten about haven't we?
J: Well, I for one have a perfect excuse.
D: Do you?
J: Yes, I've had my hads full of this lovely Targaryen queen.

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D: Jorah, where in the seven hells were you last night?! You were supposed to entertain me on yet you were nowhere in sight!
J: Forgive me, khaleesi, I was just ...
D: Out with the boys?
J: No.
D: Out with the girls?!
J: Absolutely not!
D: So where were you?

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