Conan cover for “The Cimmerian: The Man-Eaters of Zamboula” published by Ablaze Publishing. Available now
Lineart: V Ken Marion
Colors: Me

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Check out my Conan cover for “The Cimmerian: The Man-Eaters of Zamboula” published by , Available now!

Lineart by me, colors by

9 76

Someone needs to tell this Cimmerian barbarian to come on in out of the rain! It's not going to be me, though.

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A Conan pencil sketch scanned in and colored by me, your friendly neighborhood lawless artist!

3 30

- Queen of the Black Coast 002 Just as good as issue 1 or better, excellent pacing, raw powerful art, this book is full of win. Hope can withstand the storm, can't wait for next issue "Red Nails" 4/5 sidekicks

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“Queen of the Black Coast” coming in November from ! That Crisis on Infinite Earths homage cover! 😲

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